August was a crazy, busy month but that doesn't mean I didn't have ministry in the works! Back last January, we did a unique hands-on style of worship with our congregation. Surveys were sent out and it was well received by many, especially at our 10:30 "contemporary" service. We are offering another taste of it this summer!
We began our 3 week WOW interactive worship series on the Armor of God this past Sunday, August 26th. Our big idea of the Armor of God will be used all three weeks with an element of the armor being highlighted each week. 8/26/15 we focused on the Sword of the Spirit and used the lectionary reading from Ephesians 6. 8/30/15 we will focus on the Belt of Truth and use the lectionary reading from James 1:17-27. On 9/6/15 we will focus on the Shield of Faith and use the Mark 7:24-37 lectionary text. We will somewhat conclude our overall theme on 9/13/15 in a more traditional service but tying in the concept of going out with whatever we have on our feet to serve.
We begin each worship service in a very traditional sense. When we get to the Word, that's where you begin to notice some differences. We try to present the Word in an engaging way. This past week it was done with a voice reading in conjunction with a slideshow to help illustrate the reading.
Following the Word, people are invited to move to learning stations. Our stations include the following options:
Pictorial slideshow mediation-a slideshow of images coupled with Bible verses is projected for personal reflection or small group dialogue based on the day's theme right in the Sanctuary.
Faith 5-we created a Faith 5 brochure using our Chapel windows as a topic for conversation/reflection in our Chapel area.
Activity Sheets-a grab and go station near the front of the Sanctuary where anyone make take word searches, mazes, color sheets etc to do on their own.
Hands-On-an active learning station that often involves a game or sensory experience just outside of the Sanctuary.
Discussion-a pastor led discussion/study on the day's reading in an area just outside of the Sanctuary.
Craft-a self-led craft experience right in the middle of the Sanctuary space.
After a period of 10-12 minutes for people to engage with the Word in one of these unique ways, we reconvene for a short wrap up by one of the pastors. We then finish out our service with prayers, peace, offering, Holy Communion and rest of worship.
This past week, we centered our learning on the Sword of the Spirit. The three stations that I headed up were the activity sheets, craft and hands-on. Here is what I did at each.
At the
activity sheet station, I set up a cart with various activity sheets and puzzles for people to grab and take back to their seats. I try to get a variety of kinds of activities like mazes, word puzzles and coloring. I also strive to have different levels of difficulty so all ages and abilities can find something to engage them. I also have some small puzzles in boxes that can be taken to do in a pew on the cart.
In addition to grab and go activity sheets, I also added a sensory table experience. Little Armor of God finger puppets from Oriental Trading in green shredded paper. (If someone has better filler idea that shredded paper, I would love to hear it! I really struggled to think of something to tie into this theme. A whole bunch of little swords just didn't seem appropriate ;) )
The craft station was easy to set up with another purchase from Oriental Trading. Participants at this station could choose between a Bible bookmark or a sword decoration to hang up to remind them to spend some time daily in the Word.

The Hands-On station was the one that took the most thought and creativity, but it also turned out to be my favorite and a success with many participants. We began by talking about what the Sword of the Spirit is/means. After discussing that the Sword of the Spirit is God's Word, we talked about ways we can experience God's Word. 5 foam swords (purchased at Walgreens in the summer clearance area) were distributed. One one side of each sword, "Sword of the Spirit" was written. On the other side, an idea of how you experience God's Word was written. These were shared with the group and included hearing God' Word, reading the Bible, singing scripture, daily devotions and reflecting on a passage. We talked about how doing one or more of these things daily helps make us closer to God and stronger in our faith.

One person was armed with a sword and placed in a tape out box on the carpet. Small golf size wiffle balls were rolled to the person as different temptations and sins were said out loud (i.e. fighting with sibling, swearing, lying, being rude, rolling eyes, etc.) The person in the middle used his sword of the Spirit to defend himself from the the everyday things. After a successful round of playing this way, I told the group that we can be even stronger when we band together as a community. 5 defenders used 5 swords to defend a larger taped out square. When they had played for a few minutes, we stopped, put the swords down, said a prayer of thanksgiving for the gift of the Sword of the Spirit and to ask God to help us keep our swords sharp with regular use.
Swords were then exchanged to allow others to play and a fun, safe time was had by all :)