The next few weeks we will be using texts in church. I decided this was a good opportunity to plunge in a little deeper and even spent a little money on materials that can be used for the next few weeks and stored for future use as well. One of the items that I ordered and am anxiously waiting for is a
bread play set to put in the sensory table. There were much nice sets, but the price on this one pulled it ahead.
It add a little more diversity to the mix, I also went on a photo hunt and found some varieties of bread from throughout the world, a flag of origination to match and printed them in color on cardstock. I printed flags and bread back to back to add into the sensory table. I also added magnets to a set and put on a tray so an older child can try matching the breads to the flags.
While on Amazon, this little gem popped up in my items I might like and I couldn't resist.
This book ,
Bread, Bread, Bread by Ann Morris, has great photographs and can open the door to conversations about diversity and God's love encompassing and providing for all people, all over the world. I will have it on the table in our
prayground during the series and relocate it the children's library.
I have a few more ideas that I would like to get added to this area so check back and hold me accountable for getting it done!