Wednesday, January 10, 2018


This little light of mine,  I'm going to let it shine!
We are all familiar with the song of our childhood and it all seems so simple when we are young.  Jesus is the light of the world and we shine with his love when we do good things: when we take turns,  share,  be a good friend,  listen to our parents.  Those are all ways children will tell you they can shine.  They seem simple,  easy for the most part. The last few days,  I've been reflecting on this idea of shine and as easy as it is tackle this idea with kids, it amazes me how complicated we make it as adults.  Allow me to prove my point.  Take a minute,  close your eyes and make a mental list of 5 ways YOU shine.
Maybe you are better at this than some, but I’d wager a Caribou or two that the majority of people can't do this.  I don't believe this isn't because we shine less as we get older.  I believe it had more to do with our not recognizing the light when it's right there in our faces.  It's almost like we become desensitized to the light.  In a world where only the Instagram worthy moments are celebrated or acknowledged,  we pass by the thousands of other moments of light that fill up our lives.
Allow me to take a few minutes and shine a flashlight on some of the lights I've noticed since I start intentionally searching for them.
I see a dad who shines in the night when he  forgoes his bed half the night to sleep upright in a recliner so his sick baby can breathe.
I see a friend who shines when she makes a special effort with gluten free snacks so another child feels included at a birthday party.
I see a thirteen year old boy who shines when he gives up time on his electronics to help his little brother build a snowman.
I see a grandpa who shines by giving a ride to a kiddo who didn't make the bus.
I see friends who shine by bringing another family dinners because sometimes life throws a lot at us.
I see a neighbor who shines by making a special trip back home when he gets a call that a neighbor needs help getting her groceries inside.
I see a co-worker who shines when she brings a coffee to someone who's had a tough week.
I see a mom who shines when she passes on a shower because the 10 minute she should have had is used helping her child with a project.
I see a patient cook who shines when she takes the extra time to let a child shine by cracking the eggs,  even if it means fishing shells out.
None of these moments in and of themselves are huge tasks.  If we did share them on social media,  they certainly wouldn't go viral,  but they are the moments that make our lives,  our world, shine a little brighter collectively.  
Maybe when we look for light,  we spend too much energy focusing on the searchlights and don't pay enough attention to the collective flickering flames all around us. My challenge to you this Epiphany season is to close your eyes every now and then and think about light.  Maybe a moment or two with our eyes closed is what we need to better see the light shining around us. And while we're at it, maybe we need to add another verse to our childhood shining song.
Don't let adulting whoooo it out, I'm gonna let it shine!

Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine!

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