In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, we are doing a rotation unit on Martin Luther for Sunday School. Here is the lesson plan I created for our games rotation. I hope it can be helpful to some. I'd love to hear how it worked for you if you use it at all.
Main Goal
– The students will read a book and play a game to get a good overview of the
life of Martin Luther
Begin with this or a
similar prayer – “Dear God, thank you for your Word, which we have come to
study this morning. We thank you for people of all times and places who are
willing to stand up and preach the good news of your love for us. Help us to
learn more about the Reformation during our class today. In Jesus’s name we
pray, Amen.”
The story for today will
be presented by reading the book, MartinLuther: A Man Who Changed the World by Paul Maier. The story will be read
in segments as they students play along with the accompanying game.
Print the game board,
laminate strips and lay out the board (in numbered order, but arrangement you
like). Have the class work as one team,
but allow them to take turns navigating the Martin Luther Playmobil figure to
move along the game board. Begin by
rolling a die with the options of 1 2 or 3 only. (Create one by taping over the sides of existing
die. Consider using a large version. For extra interest use printed out LutherRose seals in lieu of dots.) When Luther
lands on a square with words, read the square aloud and move the figure
accordingly. Each time Luther lands on a
“Story Square” read the accompanying pages in the book, Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World Iand. After
reading the listed page(s), re-roll the die to resume play.
When the students have
finished the game, discuss what they learned, found surprising, etc. Review the pages of the books, looking at the
illustrations to guide you.